Top JavaScript Framework to Learn in 2022

Frameworks are pre-written, reusable code that exists for developers to help them get the desired result without starting from scratch. Frameworks make our work easy and efficient by letting the user focus more on the end-product rather than starting from scratch, consisting set of pre-built libraries.

Top JavaScript Frameworks

While there are more than 70 JavaScript frameworks, let's talk about the Top JavaScript Frameworks and how come they are at the top.

Node JS

Node JS logo

While technically, Node JS is considered a platform but the practical usage of NodeJS has blurred that line that happens to be between. Node JS was launched in 2010, developed by Ryan Dahl. Be it at a small scale, or the entire development is being supported by this platform. Compatible with every type of app. This technology is being by PayPal, LinkedIn, Medium, Yahoo, etc.


  • Light-weight, event-driven, and non-blocking I/O model.
  • Extreme Data Streaming Ability.
  • A dynamic node package manager.
  • Leverage reliability & Swiftness.

Angular JS

Angular JS is an open-source front-end web framework perfected and preferred for Single-Page Applications (SPAs). It enhances the user experience by providing an in-page loading and is preferred over than much adopted browser redirecting to a new page, Developed by Google and launched in 2010, adopted by several top MNCs like Upwork, Freelancer, Netflix, Intel, etc.


  • Light-weight, scalable, responsive application.
  • Easy testing and debugging

React JS

react logo

Now, React is considered to be a library, while both, library and framework can come off as same, both are reusable code written to get a desired result but there is an important difference that must be clear, and that is who has the control over the flow of application. While working with libraries, flow of application is under your control, you can call the code whenever you want, wherever you want. In the the case of framework, you are asked for the code but framework is in charge of when to call it. 

Developed by Facebook, launched in 2013 and used by services like WhatsApp Web, Instagram, Dropbox, etc. It is also preferred for Single-page Applications or Mobile Applications. 


  • Ideal for Dynamic and High-performing apps.
  • Ultrafast and light-weight.

Vue JS

Vue JS logo

Vue.js is an open-source model–view–viewmodel front end JavaScript framework for building user interfaces and single-page applications. Developed by Evan You and launched in 2014, it is typically used for single-page apps adopted by Pagekit, Laravel Sparks, Vice.


  • Easy to get started with.
  • Simple Integrations with other JS Libraries
  • High performance, fast single-page applications
  • Offers efficient MVVM data binding with flexible APIs.
